CFP: Semantic technologies for research in the humanities and social sciences (STRiX)

The workshop on semantic technologies for research in the humanities and social sciences (STRiX) will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden, on November 24-25, 2014.

Authors are invited to submit papers in the topic areas of the
workshop, including (but not limited to) examples such as:

Construction and use of ontologies and other knowledge resources
Temporally aware knowledge bases and diachronic linguistic resources
Semantic search and information retrieval; digital libraries
Development of semantically aware resources; annotation
Methodological considerations
Visualization; user interface design
Timeline-based approaches such as „culturomics“
Technical infrastructures and standards
Linked open data and semantic web technologies
Knowledge discovery
Semantically aware digitization methods

Important dates:

Submission deadline: June 20
Notification of acceptance: August 31
Workshop: November 24-25

More info at:

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